Springtime – Thinkin’ about Gremlins

I thought about spring cleaning the Hollowed Tree. But the more I think about it, the more I dislike the idea. I think it too much of a large and invase step to take into the Gremlins’home. Maybe in time, when trust has been built, organising the interior of the tree could be on the agenda.

Then I got thinking of picnics, clothes donations, a Gremlin bake-off, old adventurer’s cloaks turned into patchwork quilts for nests, beautification of the Hollowed Tree…

But none of these things are longterm. They will not end the longterm hardships that the Gremlins face. At the meeting with the Queen, Iron Commander Hojo spoke of how the Gremlins hunted and gathered food. We decided that the Gremlins did not seem to be agriculturally inclined.

I intend to start small: A vegetable patch. Before I was an Enchanter, Humanoidologist and scamp, I was the son of farm folk. I know how to grow and tend to the earth. Hopefully I can teach them so that they might become self sufficient.

I just need a small team willing to help, and a patch of land. I will talk to others and see if they have any ideas. I am doubtful that the Queen would deem to allocate me a plot… Maybe we could dig out a patch near the Hollowed Tree? We would have to fence it off and build a scarecrow to keep the Prairie Dogs out.

And then there is the unpleasant task of collecting bos dung for fertiliser.

After that, there is a stream near by. Perhaps they could be taught to fish to subsidise their diet. They would never even have to step foot into town.

A donation of fishing rods and tackle boxes would be needed. They are expensive. I would need to teach myself to fish or find someone who could teach me and the Gremlins both.

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